Students are at the heart of PNW SETAC’s DNA. We all know that research in our field is girded by the outstanding work that students at all levels provide and are, quite literally, the foundation of our future in the field.
Regardless of the degree program, you may be in or how far along you are in that program, we encourage you to attend and participate in PNW SETAC! It is a great opportunity to meet students from other institutions in the Pacific Northwest region, learn about current and emerging topics of regional interest in the field of toxicology and chemistry, interact with professionals in your field of interest, and create networks that may aid you in entering your career of choice once you graduate. Even after you graduate, you can still get student rates and benefits for up to one full year post-graduation!
PNW SETAC takes pride in the support it provides students in terms of discounted membership rates, travel awards, and awards for best presentation of student research. The At-Large Student Representative on the PNW SETAC Board of Directors is also available to answer any questions you may have. This year our studen rep is Marina Steiner whose contact information is on the “About the Board” part of this site.
Why become a PNW SETAC Member?

Discounted registration and conference event fees.
Networking and strengthening collaborative relationships with other scientists in the region.
Communication and Contribution
Opportunity to communicate current research to peers via platform and/or poster presentations and contribute to the field of environmental toxicology and chemistry.
Access to Professional Opportunities
Access to professional and social opportunities through workshops and special sessions.
Access to Job Announcements
We regularly post job announcements to help you discover your next opportunity.
Resume Posting
We can post your resume on the Jobs and Resources page to help you get a position!
Information for students
Please consider attending, and better yet, presenting at our annual conference held typically in the spring each year.
Student Travel Awards
- Funding is provided to travel awardees on a reimbursement basis to cover at least some of the expenses for transportation, food, lodging, and registration.
- Presenters are usually awarded more funds than non-presenters, but all are strongly encouraged to apply using our Student Travel Application Form.
Best Student Presentation Awards
- Awards are given for Best Platform and Best Poster presentations by degree program and may include further differentiation of 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Honorable Mention.
- Check out the impressive list of all of the former Best Student Presentation Award Winners dating from 1992 to the present!
- Awards include cash awards, one-year free membership in PNW-SETAC, and one-year free membership to SETAC including access to ET&C online journal articles.
- If you are an award winner and are thinking of attending the SETAC North America meeting, please contact Sara Hutton at to find out how to apply for travel funds! (The sooner the better!!)
Consider serving on the PNW SETAC Board of Directors as the At-Large Student
Benefits include:
- Waived registration fees to the Chapter’s annual conference
- Travel expenses fully reimbursed
- Travel funds to attend the SETAC North America annual conference
- Enhances your resume!
Important Forms!
Abstract Submission Guidelines (pdf)